Export data of COX2 for all MitoAge species

Species (N=919) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Heterocephalus glaber 41.5 58.5 190 94 170 230 31.0
Heterodontus francisci 37.3 62.7 159 99 203 230 12.0
Heteronotia binoei 45.5 54.5 210 103 156 219 13.6
Heteropneustes fossilis 41.8 58.2 186 103 188 214 17.5
Hexaprotodon liberiensis 41.7 58.3 188 97 170 229 42.3
Himatione sanguinea 46.7 53.1 215 105 155 209 11.0
Hiodon alosoides 43.3 56.7 182 117 190 202 14.0
Hiodon tergisus 42.0 58.0 175 115 201 200 10.0
Hippocampus erectus 39.2 60.8 160 111 203 217 4.7
Hippoglossus hippoglossus 43.0 57.0 185 112 187 207 90.0
Hippoglossus stenolepis 43.3 56.7 184 115 187 205 42.0
Hippopotamus amphibius 41.4 58.6 185 98 171 230 61.2
Hippotragus equinus 38.5 61.5 166 97 181 240 25.9
Hippotragus niger 38.6 61.4 164 100 180 240 22.2
Homarus americanus 35.9 64.1 138 109 241 200 100.0
Homo sapiens 46.2 53.8 214 102 172 196 122.5
Hucho hucho 45.3 54.7 198 115 188 190 15.0
Hucho taimen 44.7 55.3 197 112 190 192 16.0
Huso dauricus 43.7 56.3 188 114 171 218 55.0
Huso huso 44.6 55.4 194 118 169 218 118.0
Hyaena hyaena 42.3 57.7 187 102 176 219 25.0
Hydropotes inermis 33.8 66.2 140 91 211 242 13.9
Hydrosaurus amboinensis 42.5 57.5 204 89 153 244 24.4
Hyla japonica 40.4 59.6 171 107 213 197 8.9
Hylobates agilis 45.9 54.1 212 102 170 200 49.0
Hylobates lar 45.9 54.1 210 104 172 198 56.0
Hylobates pileatus 46.2 53.8 216 100 166 202 38.0
Hynobius leechii 33.5 66.5 137 93 223 234 7.1
Hynobius nebulosus 33.6 66.4 139 92 216 240 14.2
Hypentelium nigricans 40.8 59.2 173 109 200 209 11.0
Hyperoodon ampullatus 37.6 62.4 174 83 186 241 37.0
Hypomesus olidus 46.2 53.8 192 127 195 177 5.0
Hypoptychus dybowskii 47.2 52.8 194 132 191 174 1.0
Hypsiglena torquata 43.5 56.5 191 107 162 225 12.2
Ichthyomyzon unicuspis 37.2 62.8 168 89 204 229 8.0
Ictalurus punctatus 44.6 55.4 197 111 184 199 16.0
Ictidomys tridecemlineatus 38.0 62.0 169 91 209 215 7.9
Ictiobus bubalus 44.9 55.1 184 126 186 195 15.0
Ictiobus cyprinellus 44.9 55.1 184 126 186 195 20.0
Iguana iguana 45.6 54.4 222 92 159 215 19.8

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.