Export data of total mtDNA for order Perciformes

Species (N=59) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Ammodytes hexapterus 47.4 52.6 4877 2960 4384 4306 8.0
Amphiprion clarkii 44.7 55.3 4928 2660 4439 4949 11.0
Anabas testudineus 45.6 54.4 4881 2687 4282 4753 8.0
Argyrosomus japonicus 47.7 52.3 5117 2754 4172 4453 30.0
Arripis trutta 44.5 55.5 4835 2843 4680 4886 26.0
Auxis thazard 47.2 52.8 4955 2843 4116 4592 5.0
Betta splendens 38.1 61.9 4048 2420 5170 5342 2.0
Branchiostegus japonicus 46.3 53.7 4958 2704 4213 4666 12.0
Chelmon rostratus 43.0 57.0 4431 2683 4639 4785 10.0
Cymatogaster aggregata 43.9 56.1 4565 2689 4677 4602 8.0
Dicentrarchus labrax 45.3 54.7 5075 3193 5019 4966 15.0
Elassoma zonatum 42.3 57.7 4131 2661 4606 4673 3.0
Epinephelus areolatus 44.4 55.6 4738 2760 4565 4830 15.0
Epinephelus coioides 44.8 55.2 4750 2599 4356 4713 22.0
Etheostoma radiosum 46.1 53.9 4598 3057 4661 4284 4.0
Euthynnus affinis 47.1 52.9 4947 2834 4091 4641 10.0
Istiophorus platypterus 46.9 53.1 5042 2702 4257 4523 13.0
Katsuwonus pelamis 46.9 53.1 5002 2742 4055 4716 12.0
Lepomis cyanellus 46.3 53.7 4932 2704 4321 4528 9.0
Lepomis macrochirus 46.9 53.1 4983 2753 4228 4525 10.0
Lethrinus obsoletus 48.0 52.0 5156 2896 4235 4492 14.0
Lutjanus argentimaculatus 47.1 52.9 5120 2666 4083 4674 18.0
Lutjanus malabaricus 47.1 52.9 5097 2691 4139 4597 31.0
Lutjanus sebae 46.3 53.7 4995 2647 4199 4671 35.0
Maccullochella peeli 42.0 58.0 4567 2346 4328 5201 48.0
Macquaria ambigua 46.0 54.0 4911 2674 4259 4658 20.0
Micropterus dolomieu 46.7 53.3 4873 2830 4400 4385 26.0
Micropterus salmoides 46.5 53.5 4880 2789 4398 4417 23.0
Morone saxatilis 44.9 55.1 4972 2920 4797 4891 30.0
Nemipterus japonicus 43.0 57.0 4519 2796 4741 4939 8.0
Oreochromis esculentus 46.4 53.6 5102 2608 4300 4612 10.0
Oreochromis mossambicus 45.6 54.4 4987 2604 4383 4667 11.0
Oreochromis niloticus 45.8 54.2 5033 2585 4354 4655 9.0
Pagellus bogaraveo 46.4 53.6 4935 2922 4520 4564 15.0
Perca flavescens 44.6 55.4 4618 2761 4606 4552 12.0
Perca fluviatilis 44.9 55.1 4649 2776 4576 4536 22.0
Plectropomus leopardus 43.2 56.8 4510 2718 4673 4813 26.0
Pomatomus saltatrix 45.2 54.8 4726 2746 4417 4655 9.0
Pristipomoides multidens 45.6 54.4 4833 2696 4306 4672 30.0
Pygoplites diacanthus 45.4 54.6 4752 2659 4271 4631 14.5

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.