Export data of total mtDNA for all MitoAge species

Species (N=922) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Notorynchus cepedianus 38.2 61.8 4284 2212 5080 5414 49.0
Notropis stramineus 46.5 53.5 4554 3213 4491 4453 3.0
Nucifraga columbiana 44.2 55.8 4988 2483 4278 5156 17.4
Nyctalus noctula 38.7 61.3 4225 2536 5130 5587 12.0
Nyctereutes procyonoides 40.9 59.1 4465 2377 4508 5363 16.6
Nycticebus coucang 40.7 59.3 4521 2310 4539 5394 25.8
Nycticorax nycticorax 44.1 55.9 5342 2520 4196 5771 21.1
Nymphicus hollandicus 46.0 54.0 5477 2245 3873 5184 35.0
Ochotona princeps 42.9 57.1 4807 2271 4270 5133 7.0
Octodon degus 37.4 62.5 4165 2118 4786 5719 14.0
Odocoileus hemionus 36.9 63.1 3885 2190 4872 5535 22.0
Odocoileus virginianus 36.8 63.0 3884 2185 4849 5531 23.0
Okapia johnstoni 41.4 58.6 4550 2255 4176 5441 33.5
Oncorhynchus clarkii 46.1 53.9 4817 2863 4365 4613 10.0
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 45.6 54.4 4805 2854 4441 4685 3.0
Oncorhynchus keta 45.8 54.2 4788 2833 4385 4649 7.0
Oncorhynchus kisutch 46.2 53.8 4839 2865 4322 4633 5.0
Oncorhynchus mykiss 46.0 54.0 4811 2837 4358 4636 11.0
Oncorhynchus nerka 46.2 53.8 4817 2878 4365 4598 8.0
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 45.7 54.3 4803 2797 4355 4688 9.0
Onychodactylus fischeri 31.7 68.3 3089 2121 5538 5708 17.0
Ophiodon elongatus 47.7 52.3 4985 2898 4237 4408 20.0
Ophiophagus hannah 41.5 58.5 5005 2163 4300 5799 22.5
Orcaella brevirostris 38.7 61.2 4262 2086 4611 5423 30.0
Orcinus orca 39.7 60.3 4399 2106 4496 5384 90.0
Oreamnos americanus 38.5 61.5 4238 2149 4598 5619 20.8
Oreochromis esculentus 46.4 53.6 5102 2608 4300 4612 10.0
Oreochromis mossambicus 45.6 54.4 4987 2604 4383 4667 11.0
Oreochromis niloticus 45.8 54.2 5033 2585 4354 4655 9.0
Oreoleuciscus potanini 46.0 54.0 4520 3117 4385 4580 40.0
Oreotragus oreotragus 38.6 61.4 4172 2202 4586 5566 25.9
Ornithorhynchus anatinus 37.1 62.9 4000 2319 5351 5349 22.6
Orycteropus afer 38.0 62.0 4274 2124 4827 5591 29.8
Oryctolagus cuniculus 40.2 59.8 4584 2350 4882 5429 9.0
Oryx dammah 39.6 60.4 4386 2255 4497 5618 27.5
Oryx gazella 39.7 60.3 4352 2257 4484 5568 23.8
Oryx leucoryx 39.3 60.7 4331 2225 4532 5592 20.8
Oryzias latipes 44.5 55.5 4432 3000 4726 4556 5.0
Osmerus mordax 48.6 51.4 4963 3111 4414 4132 7.0
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum 42.3 57.7 4452 2325 4171 5058 6.5

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.