Export data of ND5 for all MitoAge species

Species (N=918) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Ourebia ourebi 39.3 60.7 510 205 505 598 15.9
Ovibos moschatus 38.9 61.1 521 187 503 610 27.4
Ovis ammon 38.7 61.3 521 183 501 616 16.8
Ovis aries 38.8 61.2 521 186 499 615 22.8
Ovis canadensis 38.2 61.8 521 175 501 624 20.6
Ovophis okinavensis 41.8 58.2 572 176 432 608 19.0
Ozotoceros bezoarticus 33.7 66.3 434 179 583 625 21.9
Pagellus bogaraveo 44.8 55.2 552 271 521 495 15.0
Palea steindachneri 39.3 60.7 533 166 450 630 41.0
Paleosuchus palpebrosus 46.1 53.9 638 194 390 584 24.1
Paleosuchus trigonatus 47.2 52.8 655 198 375 581 30.9
Pan paniscus 43.0 57.0 600 180 469 563 55.0
Pan troglodytes 43.8 56.2 603 190 468 551 59.4
Pandion haliaetus 45.1 54.9 611 210 427 573 32.0
Panthera leo 40.7 59.3 523 218 512 568 27.0
Panthera onca 41.2 58.8 528 222 502 569 28.0
Panthera pardus 40.4 59.6 517 218 518 568 27.3
Panthera tigris 41.4 58.6 526 228 506 561 26.3
Papio hamadryas 43.5 56.5 598 191 454 569 37.5
Parus major 48.0 52.0 661 211 397 549 15.4
Passer domesticus 47.4 52.6 628 233 401 556 23.0
Passer montanus 46.6 53.4 611 237 409 561 13.1
Pavo cristatus 44.6 55.4 609 201 437 571 23.2
Pecari tajacu 39.8 60.2 535 189 467 630 31.5
Pelecus cultratus 41.8 58.2 507 261 505 563 11.0
Pelomedusa subrufa 39.4 60.6 528 188 488 614 20.1
Pelusios castaneus 39.7 60.3 534 188 500 596 41.0
Peponocephala electra 39.2 60.8 537 176 516 590 47.0
Perameles gunnii 34.5 65.5 448 176 567 618 6.1
Perca flavescens 42.6 57.4 529 254 554 502 12.0
Perca fluviatilis 43.1 56.9 542 250 535 512 22.0
Percopsis transmontana 49.5 50.5 623 287 406 523 6.0
Periparus ater 48.8 51.2 673 215 402 528 9.5
Perodicticus potto 41.9 58.1 561 200 463 594 26.8
Petaurista alborufus 39.1 60.9 525 186 525 582 21.4
Petaurus breviceps 37.3 62.7 479 195 529 606 17.8
Petromyzon marinus 34.3 65.7 428 189 564 616 9.0
Phacochoerus africanus 39.2 60.8 513 200 478 630 20.9
Phaeognathus hubrichti 30.4 69.6 367 184 625 636 19.7
Phaethon rubricauda 48.2 51.8 644 230 398 540 32.7

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

How to cite us:

If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.