Export data of ND2 for all MitoAge species

Species (N=919) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Ourebia ourebi 38.4 61.6 299 101 270 372 15.9
Ovibos moschatus 35.7 63.2 286 86 273 386 27.4
Ovis ammon 36.1 63.9 288 88 281 385 16.8
Ovis aries 36.0 64.0 289 86 280 387 22.8
Ovis canadensis 35.7 64.3 286 86 284 386 20.6
Ovophis okinavensis 42.9 57.1 348 94 226 362 19.0
Ozotoceros bezoarticus 32.1 67.9 251 84 315 392 21.9
Pagellus bogaraveo 49.3 50.7 371 144 276 254 15.0
Palea steindachneri 37.4 62.6 295 94 252 398 41.0
Paleosuchus palpebrosus 46.6 53.4 364 122 249 309 24.1
Paleosuchus trigonatus 45.9 54.1 373 106 243 322 30.9
Pan paniscus 42.3 57.7 353 89 267 335 55.0
Pan troglodytes 42.0 58.0 351 88 267 338 59.4
Pandion haliaetus 43.3 56.7 353 98 245 345 32.0
Panthera leo 39.1 60.9 311 96 254 381 27.0
Panthera onca 38.7 61.3 307 99 263 379 28.0
Panthera pardus 39.5 60.5 309 103 256 374 27.3
Panthera tigris 39.1 60.9 304 103 263 372 26.3
Papio hamadryas 42.4 57.6 356 87 245 357 37.5
Parus major 47.9 52.1 394 104 218 324 15.4
Passer domesticus 47.6 52.4 360 135 244 301 23.0
Passer montanus 48.0 52.0 370 129 231 310 13.1
Pavo cristatus 43.3 56.7 358 92 252 337 23.2
Pecari tajacu 38.3 61.7 303 97 243 401 31.5
Pelecus cultratus 43.7 56.3 308 150 277 312 11.0
Pelomedusa subrufa 38.3 61.7 294 104 284 358 20.1
Pelusios castaneus 40.1 59.9 321 98 270 355 41.0
Peponocephala electra 38.3 61.7 324 75 271 372 47.0
Perameles gunnii 32.6 67.4 251 89 313 391 6.1
Perca flavescens 44.5 55.5 334 131 300 281 12.0
Perca fluviatilis 45.5 54.5 342 134 293 277 22.0
Percopsis transmontana 52.4 47.6 374 174 218 279 6.0
Periparus ater 49.6 50.4 403 113 220 304 9.5
Perodicticus potto 41.2 58.8 337 93 253 361 26.8
Petaurista alborufus 36.8 63.2 296 87 301 358 21.4
Petaurus breviceps 35.4 64.6 283 87 297 377 17.8
Petromyzon marinus 34.8 65.2 247 116 336 345 9.0
Phacochoerus africanus 36.1 63.9 284 92 256 410 20.9
Phaeognathus hubrichti 30.2 69.8 225 88 349 376 19.7
Phaethon rubricauda 47.6 52.4 388 108 218 327 32.7

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

How to cite us:

If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.