Export data of COX2 for all MitoAge species

Species (N=919) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Tadorna tadorna 48.8 51.2 223 112 153 199 24.8
Taeniopygia guttata 46.9 53.1 223 98 152 211 12.0
Tamandua tetradactyla 42.3 57.7 189 100 163 232 19.0
Tamias sibiricus 35.2 64.8 152 89 221 222 9.6
Tarentola mauritanica 44.8 55.2 205 103 161 219 14.0
Tarsius bancanus 37.4 62.6 169 87 207 221 16.3
Tarsius syrichta 38.9 61.1 180 86 191 227 16.0
Taurotragus derbianus 39.5 60.5 166 104 184 230 20.3
Taxidea taxus 38.5 61.5 177 86 183 238 25.0
Testudo graeca 38.0 62.0 168 93 185 241 127.0
Testudo kleinmanni 38.4 61.6 177 87 182 241 21.0
Testudo marginata 38.9 61.1 175 92 181 239 21.2
Tetracerus quadricornis 36.8 63.2 163 89 187 245 17.4
Tetrastes bonasia 43.4 56.6 207 90 181 206 7.2
Theropithecus gelada 42.5 57.5 195 96 177 216 36.0
Thraupis episcopus 46.8 53.2 223 97 156 208 9.5
Threskiornis aethiopicus 45.2 54.8 209 100 163 212 37.0
Thryonomys swinderianus 37.4 62.6 174 81 181 245 5.4
Thunnus alalunga 44.1 55.9 192 113 189 197 13.0
Thunnus albacares 44.7 55.3 195 114 186 196 9.0
Thunnus maccoyii 44.6 55.1 194 114 186 195 20.0
Thunnus obesus 44.6 55.4 194 114 187 196 11.0
Thunnus thynnus 44.6 55.4 194 114 187 196 15.0
Thymallus arcticus 43.8 56.2 187 116 202 186 18.0
Tomistoma schlegelii 41.6 58.4 184 102 177 225 24.7
Trachemys scripta 37.3 62.7 168 88 191 240 41.3
Trachypithecus cristatus 38.7 61.3 172 93 203 216 28.3
Trachypithecus francoisi 38.7 61.3 174 91 202 217 26.3
Trachypithecus johnii 40.8 59.2 178 101 196 209 34.0
Trachypithecus obscurus 37.7 62.3 165 93 210 216 33.9
Trachypithecus pileatus 39.5 60.5 177 93 199 215 25.2
Trachypithecus vetulus 40.5 59.5 177 100 197 210 26.1
Tragelaphus angasii 38.9 61.1 163 103 187 231 18.5
Tragelaphus eurycerus 38.6 61.4 163 101 190 230 21.9
Tragelaphus imberbis 41.1 58.9 174 107 175 228 19.8
Tragelaphus scriptus 40.2 59.8 174 101 181 228 15.3
Tragelaphus spekii 38.7 61.3 166 99 187 232 22.6
Tragelaphus strepsiceros 39.8 60.2 168 104 183 229 23.5
Tremarctos ornatus 39.9 60.1 165 108 189 222 39.0
Triaenodon obesus 37.6 62.4 160 100 210 221 25.0

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.