Export data of total rRNA-coding genes for family Gadidae

Species (N=9) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Boreogadus saida 44.6 55.4 613 552 600 850 7.0
Gadus morhua 44.5 55.5 617 548 602 852 25.0
Gadus ogac 44.4 55.4 614 550 604 849 12.0
Lota lota 44.5 55.5 617 546 594 856 20.0
Melanogrammus aeglefinus 44.2 55.8 612 547 603 859 20.0
Merlangius merlangus 44.1 55.9 604 549 609 855 20.0
Micromesistius poutassou 44.0 56.0 610 540 599 864 20.0
Pollachius pollachius 44.5 55.5 611 553 604 850 8.0
Pollachius virens 44.4 55.6 608 553 610 846 25.0

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.