Export data of ND5 for order Primates

Species (N=77) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Allenopithecus nigroviridis 39.8 60.2 534 187 508 583 27.0
Alouatta caraya 39.4 60.6 523 188 519 576 32.4
Aotus azarai 38.5 61.5 510 186 534 576 30.0
Aotus lemurinus 39.4 60.6 523 189 519 575 33.8
Ateles belzebuth 39.6 60.4 526 189 503 588 37.0
Cacajao calvus 39.6 60.4 511 199 508 576 35.8
Callicebus cupreus 38.3 61.7 503 189 561 553 26.4
Callicebus donacophilus 39.5 60.5 524 190 531 562 25.0
Callimico goeldii 37.7 62.3 494 187 539 586 22.2
Callithrix geoffroyi 39.6 60.4 508 207 504 587 17.6
Callithrix jacchus 39.3 60.7 507 203 506 590 22.8
Callithrix pygmaea 39.1 60.9 513 193 498 602 18.6
Cebus albifrons 37.0 63.0 494 175 544 593 40.4
Cebus apella 38.4 61.6 513 181 522 590 46.0
Cercocebus torquatus 40.6 59.4 549 185 492 580 46.0
Cercopithecus diana 42.0 58.0 571 188 469 578 35.1
Cercopithecus lhoesti 41.8 58.2 571 184 461 590 24.1
Cercopithecus mitis 41.7 58.3 564 191 481 576 37.8
Cheirogaleus medius 38.0 62.0 493 195 536 588 23.2
Chiropotes albinasus 39.3 60.7 507 203 531 565 20.0
Chlorocebus aethiops 42.7 57.3 581 192 459 577 30.8
Colobus guereza 40.2 59.8 522 204 508 572 35.0
Daubentonia madagascariensis 41.2 58.8 559 188 474 591 23.3
Erythrocebus patas 40.0 60.0 540 183 490 593 28.3
Eulemur fulvus 38.0 62.0 498 190 532 592 35.5
Eulemur macaco 37.1 62.9 490 183 536 603 36.2
Eulemur mongoz 37.9 62.1 498 189 528 600 36.2
Eulemur rubriventer 37.6 62.3 497 185 529 601 20.0
Galago moholi 40.8 59.2 562 178 493 582 16.6
Galago senegalensis 40.5 59.5 554 181 500 580 17.1
Gorilla gorilla 43.7 56.3 598 194 475 545 55.4
Hapalemur griseus 37.0 63.0 482 188 542 600 23.3
Homo sapiens 44.9 55.1 622 192 447 551 122.5
Hylobates agilis 46.1 53.9 637 199 423 553 49.0
Hylobates lar 45.4 54.6 630 193 432 557 56.0
Hylobates pileatus 45.6 54.4 632 191 427 556 38.0
Lagothrix lagotricha 39.6 60.4 531 185 499 591 32.0
Lemur catta 35.9 64.1 477 174 539 622 37.3
Leontopithecus rosalia 36.3 63.7 461 195 554 596 31.6
Loris tardigradus 38.1 61.9 515 177 497 626 19.3

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.