Export data of D-loop for all MitoAge species

Species (N=573) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Otis tarda 40.4 59.6 342 169 355 399 28.3
Otolemur crassicaudatus 43.7 56.3 402 183 337 418 22.7
Ovibos moschatus 41.1 58.9 198 140 235 249 27.4
Pagellus bogaraveo 37.4 62.6 256 191 363 385 15.0
Palea steindachneri 34.3 65.7 366 229 631 510 41.0
Paleosuchus trigonatus 50.6 49.4 125 46 98 69 30.9
Pan paniscus 46.7 53.3 375 149 258 339 55.0
Pan troglodytes 47.8 52.2 380 152 247 334 59.4
Pavo cristatus 41.5 58.5 324 152 360 310 23.2
Pelomedusa subrufa 27.3 72.7 223 103 416 452 20.1
Pelusios castaneus 33.3 66.7 270 123 419 368 41.0
Peponocephala electra 37.2 62.8 217 123 300 274 47.0
Percopsis transmontana 42.9 57.1 88 53 91 97 6.0
Periparus ater 43.8 56.2 355 169 361 310 9.5
Perodicticus potto 42.7 57.3 355 138 284 377 26.8
Petaurista alborufus 39.8 60.2 256 132 282 306 21.4
Petaurus breviceps 17.6 82.4 85 29 271 262 17.8
Phacochoerus africanus 42.2 57.8 340 198 325 413 20.9
Phaeognathus hubrichti 34.2 65.8 151 105 254 239 19.7
Phalacrocorax carbo 35.4 64.6 232 156 343 364 27.2
Phascogale tapoatafa 34.0 65.8 335 319 626 639 5.9
Phascolarctos cinereus 25.8 74.2 170 63 313 357 22.1
Phasianus colchicus 40.1 59.9 295 165 375 312 27.0
Phocoena phocoena 40.0 60.0 236 128 276 269 20.4
Phoxinus eos 36.5 63.5 207 132 294 297 3.0
Piaractus brachypomus 34.2 65.8 186 130 307 301 28.0
Platalea leucorodia 43.9 56.1 310 191 339 300 30.1
Platalea minor 43.4 56.6 362 225 337 428 15.0
Platemys platycephala 35.8 64.2 200 152 328 304 20.0
Platichthys stellatus 42.0 58.0 370 218 376 436 24.0
Plecoglossus altivelis 41.0 59.0 204 147 252 254 3.0
Plecotus auritus 41.3 58.7 390 215 352 507 30.0
Plectropomus leopardus 33.5 66.5 212 145 312 396 26.0
Plethodon cinereus 34.2 65.8 843 419 1116 1317 25.0
Plethodon elongatus 36.8 63.2 488 288 651 682 13.3
Podarcis muralis 38.4 61.6 507 211 638 516 10.0
Poecilia reticulata 34.3 65.7 181 119 282 293 5.0
Pollachius pollachius 36.2 63.8 177 136 286 266 8.0
Pollachius virens 36.1 63.9 180 135 298 260 25.0
Polyodon spathula 31.2 68.8 167 85 259 296 55.0

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.