Export data of 12S rRNA gene for order Testudines

Species (N=34) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Apalone ferox 41.2 58.8 241 159 201 371 26.2
Apalone spinifera 40.3 59.7 230 161 206 373 25.2
Caretta caretta 41.6 58.4 241 163 205 361 37.0
Carettochelys insculpta 42.4 57.6 243 167 196 361 38.4
Chelodina longicollis 40.3 59.7 227 164 221 359 37.0
Chelonia mydas 41.9 58.1 242 164 207 356 75.0
Chelus fimbriata 41.4 58.6 240 162 214 356 35.8
Chelydra serpentina 42.3 57.7 244 164 210 347 47.0
Chrysemys picta 41.0 59.0 232 165 206 366 61.0
Cuora amboinensis 41.9 58.1 239 166 210 351 38.2
Cuora flavomarginata 41.2 58.8 234 164 215 352 19.1
Cuora trifasciata 42.6 57.4 243 169 204 351 31.8
Cyclemys dentata 41.0 59.0 233 163 214 356 14.7
Indotestudo forstenii 42.0 58.0 250 157 203 360 32.9
Kinosternon leucostomum 38.6 61.4 211 160 229 360 19.2
Lissemys punctata 41.2 58.7 233 169 205 368 17.8
Macrochelys temminckii 41.0 59.0 229 167 223 347 70.3
Malacochersus tornieri 41.7 58.3 242 162 207 358 25.9
Manouria emys 42.1 57.9 247 161 203 359 19.9
Mauremys japonica 40.6 59.4 232 162 218 359 16.2
Mauremys mutica 41.0 59.0 234 165 217 356 22.1
Notochelys platynota 39.9 60.1 224 160 223 355 18.8
Palea steindachneri 41.4 58.6 238 165 210 361 41.0
Pelomedusa subrufa 42.5 57.5 238 173 217 340 20.1
Pelusios castaneus 43.5 56.5 240 182 211 338 41.0
Platemys platycephala 41.2 58.8 234 166 214 357 20.0
Platysternon megacephalum 41.7 58.3 233 166 215 343 27.0
Sacalia bealei 40.9 59.1 234 163 216 357 27.3
Sternotherus carinatus 39.1 60.9 221 156 220 367 29.3
Testudo graeca 40.0 60.0 231 157 219 363 127.0
Testudo kleinmanni 42.0 58.0 246 161 205 356 21.0
Testudo marginata 41.3 58.7 237 163 212 356 21.2
Trachemys scripta 41.8 58.2 236 169 207 357 41.3
Trionyx triunguis 42.5 57.5 254 161 197 365 50.6

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.