Export data of total mtDNA for all MitoAge species

Species (N=922) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Cercopithecus diana 42.8 57.2 4969 2101 4173 5262 35.1
Cercopithecus lhoesti 42.0 58.0 4896 2036 4264 5322 24.1
Cercopithecus mitis 42.5 57.5 4916 2094 4252 5249 37.8
Cervus elaphus 37.8 62.2 3985 2197 4723 5452 31.5
Cervus nippon 38.0 62.0 4035 2208 4709 5477 26.3
Ceryle rudis 44.1 55.9 5356 2298 4134 5567 3.9
Cetorhinus maximus 40.6 59.4 4411 2359 4742 5158 32.0
Chamaeleo chamaeleon 38.4 61.6 4570 2137 4483 6280 3.6
Chamaeleo dilepis 37.1 62.8 4478 2161 4723 6511 4.0
Chanos chanos 47.2 52.8 4806 2851 3929 4644 15.0
Cheirogaleus medius 38.1 61.9 4270 2125 4862 5547 23.2
Chelmon rostratus 43.0 57.0 4431 2683 4639 4785 10.0
Chelodina longicollis 37.8 62.2 4156 2133 4414 5944 37.0
Chelon labrosus 45.9 54.1 5009 2747 4485 4657 25.0
Chelonia mydas 39.4 60.6 4539 1969 4150 5839 75.0
Chelus fimbriata 38.7 61.3 4397 2046 4225 5993 35.8
Chelydra serpentina 37.7 62.3 4174 2097 4634 5726 47.0
Chiloscyllium plagiosum 37.4 62.6 4116 2147 4918 5545 25.0
Chimaera monstrosa 38.6 61.4 4638 2527 5543 5872 29.4
Chinchilla lanigera 40.9 59.1 4604 2174 4272 5530 17.2
Chiropotes albinasus 38.5 61.5 4274 2151 4865 5416 20.0
Chlamydosaurus kingii 41.4 58.6 4863 2083 4046 5769 9.9
Chlorocebus aethiops 42.7 57.2 4953 2049 4137 5243 30.8
Choloepus didactylus 43.3 56.7 4947 2209 3969 5415 36.8
Chroicocephalus ridibundus 45.2 54.8 5220 2380 4029 5178 32.9
Chrysemys picta 38.8 61.2 4376 2165 4515 5810 61.0
Chrysocyon brachyurus 38.4 61.6 4119 2313 4939 5389 16.8
Chrysolophus amherstiae 44.7 55.3 5193 2264 4143 5074 19.6
Chrysolophus pictus 44.8 55.2 5206 2267 4129 5076 13.4
Ciconia boyciana 46.3 53.7 5638 2518 4030 5436 48.1
Ciconia ciconia 46.3 53.7 5548 2490 4012 5297 39.0
Ciconia nigra 45.7 54.3 5619 2514 4189 5473 31.3
Clupea harengus 47.4 52.6 4714 3199 4290 4498 22.0
Clupea pallasii 47.4 52.6 4714 3197 4296 4493 19.0
Clupeonella cultriventris 47.2 52.8 4653 3212 4435 4350 5.0
Coccothraustes coccothraustes 45.2 54.8 5202 2399 4022 5197 12.6
Coleonyx variegatus 43.8 56.2 5116 2373 4114 5507 15.2
Colinus virginianus 45.2 54.8 5379 2175 3980 5168 6.4
Colobus guereza 40.7 59.3 4633 2151 4528 5336 35.0
Cololabis saira 40.5 59.5 4246 2435 4799 5019 2.0

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.