Export data of ND5 for order Pelecaniformes

Species (N=10) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Ardea cinerea 46.4 53.6 632 211 408 564 37.5
Ardea purpurea 46.3 53.7 625 215 415 560 25.4
Botaurus stellaris 44.9 55.1 624 191 405 595 11.3
Bubulcus ibis 45.6 54.4 632 195 407 581 23.0
Egretta garzetta 46.3 53.7 643 197 396 579 22.3
Nipponia nippon 46.7 53.3 635 213 394 573 25.8
Nycticorax nycticorax 45.0 55.0 609 207 414 585 21.1
Platalea leucorodia 44.5 55.5 602 205 422 586 30.1
Platalea minor 44.2 55.8 600 203 427 585 15.0
Threskiornis aethiopicus 44.9 55.1 609 206 425 575 37.0

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.