Export data of ND5 for family Bovidae

Species (N=81) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Hippotragus equinus 38.8 61.2 516 191 500 614 25.9
Hippotragus niger 39.6 60.4 537 184 488 612 22.2
Kobus ellipsiprymnus 37.8 62.2 502 187 521 611 30.0
Kobus leche 38.4 61.6 508 191 515 607 25.4
Litocranius walleri 37.6 62.4 490 194 525 612 17.3
Madoqua kirkii 40.2 59.8 526 206 493 596 17.3
Naemorhedus baileyi 38.7 61.3 516 188 501 616 19.0
Naemorhedus caudatus 38.7 61.3 517 188 501 615 20.3
Naemorhedus goral 39.4 60.6 523 194 497 607 17.6
Nanger dama 39.3 60.7 514 202 510 595 19.3
Nanger granti 38.2 61.8 496 199 527 599 19.7
Nanger soemmerringii 38.8 61.2 507 200 516 598 15.5
Neotragus moschatus 39.2 60.8 524 190 497 610 13.5
Oreamnos americanus 37.8 62.2 505 183 511 622 20.8
Oreotragus oreotragus 37.4 62.6 500 181 520 620 25.9
Oryx dammah 39.3 60.7 522 194 499 606 27.5
Oryx gazella 39.4 60.6 520 198 500 603 23.8
Oryx leucoryx 39.9 60.1 527 200 493 601 20.8
Ourebia ourebi 39.3 60.7 510 205 505 598 15.9
Ovibos moschatus 38.9 61.1 521 187 503 610 27.4
Ovis ammon 38.7 61.3 521 183 501 616 16.8
Ovis aries 38.8 61.2 521 186 499 615 22.8
Ovis canadensis 38.2 61.8 521 175 501 624 20.6
Philantomba maxwellii 40.1 59.9 530 200 498 593 18.3
Philantomba monticola 39.6 60.4 535 187 493 606 15.9
Procapra gutturosa 37.5 62.5 494 188 529 610 12.0
Pseudois nayaur 40.3 59.7 549 185 469 618 20.9
Raphicerus campestris 37.2 62.8 488 190 533 610 9.3
Redunca arundinum 37.8 62.2 506 183 518 614 16.8
Redunca fulvorufula 40.0 60.0 527 202 496 596 15.0
Rupicapra rupicapra 40.0 60.0 541 188 484 608 17.6
Sylvicapra grimmia 40.5 59.5 534 203 494 590 15.4
Syncerus caffer 39.6 60.4 531 190 487 613 29.8
Taurotragus derbianus 39.6 60.4 524 197 496 604 20.3
Tetracerus quadricornis 37.9 62.1 511 179 511 620 17.4
Tragelaphus angasii 40.1 59.9 525 205 488 603 18.5
Tragelaphus eurycerus 39.0 61.0 522 188 499 612 21.9
Tragelaphus imberbis 39.9 60.1 512 215 505 589 19.8
Tragelaphus scriptus 39.3 60.7 519 196 501 605 15.3
Tragelaphus spekii 38.3 61.7 512 185 509 615 22.6

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.