Export data of ATP8 for all MitoAge species

Species (N=917) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Ambystoma texanum 27.4 72.6 34 12 51 71 13.8
Ambystoma tigrinum 24.4 75.6 30 11 57 70 25.0
Amia calva 44.6 55.4 55 20 39 54 30.0
Ammodytes hexapterus 42.3 57.7 54 17 42 55 8.0
Ammotragus lervia 31.3 68.7 52 11 54 84 21.7
Amphiprion clarkii 42.9 57.1 53 19 45 51 11.0
Anabas testudineus 41.7 58.3 56 14 45 53 8.0
Anas acuta 45.2 54.8 63 13 32 60 27.4
Anas crecca 47.6 52.4 66 14 30 58 27.1
Anas platyrhynchos 45.8 54.2 65 12 31 60 29.1
Andrias davidianus 27.4 72.6 32 14 56 66 19.9
Andrias japonicus 28.0 72.0 33 14 55 66 55.0
Anguilla anguilla 41.7 58.3 48 22 40 58 88.0
Anguilla australis 41.1 58.9 47 22 38 61 32.0
Anguilla bicolor 41.1 58.9 45 24 42 57 20.0
Anguilla dieffenbachii 41.7 58.3 49 21 38 60 60.0
Anguilla marmorata 39.3 60.7 45 21 42 60 40.0
Anguilla mossambica 39.9 60.1 46 21 40 61 20.0
Anguilla nebulosa 39.9 60.1 45 22 42 59 15.0
Anguilla reinhardtii 41.1 58.9 45 24 41 58 41.0
Anguilla rostrata 42.9 57.1 50 22 39 57 50.0
Anguis fragilis 40.5 59.5 52 16 43 57 54.0
Anolis carolinensis 38.7 61.3 51 14 44 59 7.2
Anoplopoma fimbria 47.0 53.0 54 25 43 46 114.0
Anser albifrons 46.4 53.6 66 12 34 56 47.0
Anser anser 45.2 54.8 65 11 34 58 31.0
Anser fabalis 45.2 54.8 65 11 34 58 25.6
Anthropoides virgo 42.0 58.0 65 8 43 58 27.0
Antidorcas marsupialis 31.8 68.2 51 13 56 81 19.8
Antilocapra americana 31.9 68.1 51 15 56 85 15.5
Antilope cervicapra 33.3 66.7 53 14 55 79 23.9
Aotus azarai 26.4 73.6 42 11 65 83 30.0
Aotus lemurinus 28.9 71.1 44 14 62 81 33.8
Apalone ferox 33.3 66.7 48 7 38 72 26.2
Apalone spinifera 33.3 66.7 45 10 40 70 25.2
Apeltes quadracus 41.1 58.9 52 17 46 53 3.0
Aphredoderus sayanus 42.9 57.1 58 14 41 55 4.0
Apis mellifera 10.7 89.3 12 5 68 74 8.0
Apodemus peninsulae 35.8 64.2 60 13 63 68 4.4
Apus apus 44.6 55.4 68 7 36 57 21.1

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.